Cutrol 375® Important Information
- Wear gloves and other personal safety equipment to avoid contact with the antisapstain preservative
during application.
- Some antisapstain preservative may migrate from the treated wood or may dislodge from the
treated wood surface on contact with skin.
- Wash work clothes separately from other household clothing before re-use.
- Wear dust mask & goggles when cutting or sanding wood.
- Do not use antisapstain treated wood under circumstances where the preservative may become a component of food, animal feed or beehives.
- Please refer to the label and the SDS (Safety Data Sheets) for additional safety information.
Active Ingredients
Oxine Copper
Oxine copper has been used for over
50 years. It has been used as a contact
fungicide for the protection of seeds and
crop foliage and for the protection of a wide
range of materials including military textiles
in tropical countries, natural fibre ropes and
underground electrical cables.
It is used in wood and paper preservation for wooden boxes which are used as packaging material in contact with food products and paper pulp.